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Healthy Aging at Any Age | Healthy Aging | CDC

Information to help you stay healthy and strong throughout your life. Healthy aging is the process of maintaining good physical, mental, and social health and well-being as we grow older. Healthy aging is not just for older adults. It starts at any age.It means adopting healthy habits and making positive lifestyle choices that contribute to overall well-being as we age.Nutrition. Maintain a healthy, balanced diet. Physical activity. Keep your body active by doing regular exercise. Mental functioning: Keep your mind stimulated and get enough sleep. Social well-being: Stay socially connected and engaged with others.Emotional well-being: Take care of your emotional well-being, including managing stress, having a positive outlook, and seeking support when needed. Injury prevention: Try to avoid falls and other injuries by taking precautions and practicing safe driving. Health care routine: Keep up with regular health checkups, vaccines, and screenings; and manage any chronic conditions.

Longevity Decoded: the Seven Keys to Healthy Aging

Before you roll your eyes, you ... In fact, you've probably heard most of them before: Eat a healthy diet, exercise, get enough sleep, avoid tobacco, manage stress, stimulate your brain, and engage socially.... We all age. As the years go by, we get grayer, develop new wrinkles, and feel less spry than we once did. It is just part of life, right? Well, what if there was a way to dramatically slow down the aging process? According to Stephen Schimpff, MD, MACP, there is. In his new book, Longevity Decoded: The Seven Keys to Healthy Aging, Schimpff identifies the seven "keys" to living longer and healthier lives.In Stephen Schimpff's new book, Longevity Decoded: The Seven Keys to Healthy Aging, Schimpff identifies the seven "keys" to living longer and healthier lives.Before you roll your eyes, you should know that this isn't some New Age, woo-woo mumbo-jumbo. Schimpff's longevity "keys" are both practical and deeply rooted in science. In fact, you've probably heard most of them before: Eat a healthy diet, exercise, get enough sleep, avoid tobacco, manage stress, stimulate your brain, and engage socially.The structure of our DNA? The health of our gut microbiome? Turns out that while there's compelling evidence about each of these things, the science just isn't there yet. "There are a lot of ideas about why we age; yet, when you get right down to it, we really don't know.


50 and Over: Healthy Aging, Exercise, Nutrition, and Lifestyle Information

Age 50 or older? Get information about medical treatments, exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle in WebMD's 50+: Live Better, Longer center. Why This Quick At-Home Test May Be the Best Gauge of HealthMore research shows that your ability to balance on one leg can reveal how well you’re aging. Discover the fascinating science for why, and what you can do to improve. Your Great-Grandchildren Probably Won’t Live to 100A new analysis suggests that peak human longevity is well below that of becoming a centenarian.Tools, resources, and support for your journey toward aging well. ... Learn more about AMD and how aging may increase your risk. ... Know what’s natural as you age and what’s not, and learn steps you can try to delay or lessen the changes.Is retirement in your near future? Take this WebMD quiz to learn how to stay healthy in your golden years. Friends are a surprisingly strong influence on how long you live -- for better or worse. WebMD's slideshow explains this and other secrets of longevity.Nearly half of men and women over the age of 65 say they have at least one sleep problem. View All ... At your annual physical, make sure your doctor performs or recommends these tests that may save your health -- and your life.


Healthy Aging Tips for the Older Adults in Your Life | National Institute on Aging

Find tips from NIA on how to help support healthy aging in older family members. Tips include preventing social isolation, promoting physical activity, encouraging healthy eating, and more. If a family member loses independence — whether it’s due to disability or chronic disease — you may find yourself in a caregiving role earlier than expected, which can affect family dynamics as well as finances. So what can you do to help the older adults in your life manage their health, live as independently as possible, and maintain quality of life as they age?Healthy eating is an important part of healthy aging. As with exercise, eating well is not just about weight. Having a healthy diet can help support muscles and strengthen bones, which can help with balance and independence.If you have older family members or loved ones, you may worry about their health as they age. Aging increases the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and dementia. The good news is that adopting and maintaining a few key behaviors can help older adults live longer, healthier lives.As people age, they often find themselves spending more time alone. Poor health, the death of a partner, caring for a loved one, and other situations that are more likely as people age can all lead to being socially isolated or feeling lonely.


10 Tips for Senior Health and Healthy Aging

Following health tips like eating healthy, getting enough sleep, exercise, and regular socialization can help seniors boost their overall wellness. Maintaining healthy habits is crucial as seniors age. A nutritious diet provides energy for an active lifestyle but can also lower the risk of certain illnesses. Getting enough sleep and regular exercise can also boost energy while helping to keep seniors strong and able to perform daily activities. And while keeping the body fit is important, so is maintaining a strong mind. Socializing with friends and family offers emotional well-being, and playing games or an instrument can help a senior stay sharp.Routine doctor’s visits can help seniors detect health concerns early and ensure they stay up to date on vaccinations and medications. Regular socialization can help reduce stress and lower the risk of certain health concerns like cardiovascular disease and dementia. Staying physically active can boost energy levels, improve sleep, and reduce feelings of depression. Maintaining a healthy diet as you age is essential for living well.With health under control, seniors can do more and remain active, which boosts overall well-being and gives caregivers a little less to worry about. Seniors newly enrolled in Medicare can access a free · Initial Preventive Physical Examination. After having Medicare Part B for a year, seniors also receive a free ... The risk for cavities goes up with age and many mouth infections can be linked to serious health conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.Oral health is directly related to overall health, so in addition to brushing and flossing daily, seniors should regularly see their dentist to maintain healthy teeth and gums. ... Key Takeaways1. Eat healthy2. Schedule preventive care doctor’s visits3. Review medications4. Manage healthy sleep habits5. Exercise the mind6. Schedule regular vision checks7. Socialize8. Stay physically active9. Take advantage of free Medicare physicals10. Visit the dentist every 6 months ... HelpGuide. (2021, August). Eating well as you age.


Longevity: Luxus-Gyms locken mit dem ewigen Leben | Leben & Wissen | BILD.de

Flache Bäuche, dicke Arme, runde Popos. Mit einseitigen Schönheitsidealen haben Fitnessstudios schon immer geworben. Nun versprechen sie das ewige Leben. Was Continuum-Chef Wingert laut BoF nicht will: einen weiteren Ort erschaffen, an dem „nur die ‚Finance Bros‘ dazugehören“. Er hofft, dass Longevity-Konzepte wie seines bald auch für Otto Normalverbraucher erschwinglich werden.In den USA sind teure Fitnessketten wie „Continuum Club“, „Life Time“ oder „Equinox“ auf den Longevity-Hype aufgesprungen.Der New Yorker „Continuum Club“ ist das modernste Longevity-Fitnessstudio der USAWas haben „Longevity Clubs“ ihren gut betuchten Mitgliedern zu bieten?


What to know about biological aging and maintaining your health as you grow older - ABC News

Experts share how you can stay healthy no matter your age. The idea is that everything can have an impact at the cellular level, which could potentially have implications for predicting disease risk and longevity. To test for biological age, scientists use advanced tools known as epigenetic clocks. Developed a little over a decade ago by UCLA researcher Steve Horvath, PhD, epigenetic clocks use blood, skin, or saliva samples to analyze specific patterns in the DNA, called methylation marks, and then compare them against chronological age, as well as to a database containing information from other individuals.Regardless of how many birthdays you've celebrated, your overall health may depend on the resilience and vitality of your cells. It's a concept known as biological, or epigenetic, aging. "Chronological age is what the calendar tells us," Elissa Epel, PhD, a professor in the department of psychiatry & behavioral sciences at the University of California, San Francisco Weill Institute for Neurosciences, told ABC News. Biological age looks beyond the calendar to provide clues for how well someone's health stands the test of time.Any steps, even small steps, towards staying healthy may have benefits. While we can test biological age for some insights into how well someone is aging, for now, the best way to stay healthy is to keep up to date with screenings and follow the evidence-based recommendations from your healthcare provider.Evaluating various body systems, Horvath found that even healthy tissue next to a breast cancer tumor, for example, was about 12 years older than the rest of the body. "We can't change our genes, but we can change how much they are activated or silenced," said Epel, also the director of the Aging, Metabolism, and Emotions Center in San Francisco, adding that, "the patterns of methylation, like doors being open or closed, change dramatically with age."


7 Supplements To Take for Healthy Aging and Longevity

Aging is a natural part of life influenced by environment, genetics, and lifestyle. Supplements like creatine and curcumin may help support a long life. Many people are living longer, and the number of people living with chronic health conditions (like cardiovascular disease or cancer) has also increased. Cellular changes during aging include mitochondrial dysfunction, cellular communication issues, and alterations in cellular genes. These cellular alterations can cause organ damage, leading to chronic diseases. In recent years, researchers have evaluated ways to promote longevity (how long someone lives) and lower the occurrence of chronic and age-related health conditions.Lower taurine levels are associated with numerous age-related diseases that affect the brain, muscles, and eyes. Taurine may help longevity by maintaining normal mitochondrial function, limiting DNA damage, and regulating inflammation. Researchers have found that giving taurine supplements to animals (mice and monkeys) helps to improve their health and lifespan.National Institutes of Health: National Institute on Aging. Leisure activities may improve longevity for older adults. Lei MK, Beach SR, Dogan MV, Philibert RA. A pilot investigation of the impact of smoking cessation on biological age. Am J Addict. 2017;26(2):129-135.Resveratrol helps with longevity by: ... More studies are needed to understand resveratrol's ideal dosing and duration. It is considered safe in doses up to 1,500 milligrams daily for up to three months. Common side effects include diarrhea and gastrointestinal discomfort. Taurine is a non-essential amino acid present in food (e.g., meat, seafood, and eggs) and in supplement form. Taurine levels often become lower as you age.

Living longer in better health: Six shifts needed for healthy aging | McKinsey

As many individuals live well past retirement age, stakeholders are examining how interventions, data, and innovation can transform aging. A healthier, more engaged generation of those over age 65 has the potential to contribute broadly around the world, whether it’s at a professional, personal, or community level. For example, in the United States, the 50-plus age group will contribute $12.6 trillion to the economy by 2030.12“The Longevity Economy Outlook,” AARP, accessed October 2022.Companies such as BioAge Labs are amassing longitudinal data of centenarians to understand, on a molecular biological level, the factors underpinning a long and healthy life. This involves the multiomic study of high-quality longitudinal data sets, with proteomic, metabolomic, and transcriptomic analysis of thousands of proteins and RNA transcripts. Unraveling the biological process of aging requires comparisons both within the same person (understanding how the pathways change with age) and among different people (identifying the differences responsible for longevity).Society should focus on capacity, not age, recognizing the potential for many to contribute as volunteers, advisers, community leaders, workers, board members, active family members, and innovators. MHI has identified action on six important shifts that could make it possible for governments, businesses across sectors, not-for-profit organizations, health and well-being stakeholders, and individuals to unlock improvements in healthy aging.Similarly, the cost of healthcare globally will rise, from 8.6 percent today to a projected 9.4 percent of GDP by 2050.17Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network, “Past, present, and future of global health financing: A review of development assistance, government, out-of-pocket, and other private spending on health for 195 countries, 1995–2050,” Lancet, April 25, 2019, Volume 393, Number 10,187. This economic impact could be magnified by potential reductions in global GDP due to years lost to disability, as well as premature death from age-related diseases.18Prioritizing health, July 8, 2020.


Aging Well: 9 Scientific Tips for Growing Older With Healthy Body and Mind

What are the best ways to age with health and happiness? Here are 9 scientific tips. It’s often better to get your nutrients from food, not a pill. And you usually don’t need special supplements aimed at seniors. After age 50, your body does need more of some vitamins and minerals from foods or supplements than before.Loneliness is harmful to your health. If you feel lonely -- whether you live alone or with someone, have lots of friends or none -- you are more likely to get dementia or depression. Seniors who report feeling left out and isolated have more trouble with everyday tasks like bathing and climbing stairs.Staying on top of your health is much more than getting care when you don’t feel good. See your doctor for regular checkups. (And don’t forget about your dentist and eye doctor.) These visits can help find problems early or even before they start. The tests you need depend on things like your age, gender, family history, and whether you smoke or exercise.Researchers believe one way it works is by physically changing parts of your chromosomes linked to age-related diseases. Aim for 30 minutes every day. If that’s too much, break it up into shorter strolls. Regular exercise -- especially if you do it briskly enough to feel a little breathless -- delivers huge health benefits.


What Do We Know About Healthy Aging? | National Institute on Aging

... Read and share this infographic and spread the word about ways that may help foster healthy aging. Taking care of your physical, mental, and cognitive health is important for healthy aging. Even making small changes in your daily life can help you live longer and better. Making smart food choices can help protect you from certain health problems as you age and may even help improve brain function. As with exercise, eating well is not just about your weight. With so many different diets out there, choosing what to eat can be confusing.People who went to the doctor regularly also reported improved quality of life and feelings of wellness. In recent years, scientists have developed and improved upon laboratory, imaging, and similar biological tests that help uncover and monitor signs of age-related disease. Harmful changes in the cells and molecules of your body may occur years before you start to experience any symptoms of disease. Tests that detect these changes can help medical professionals diagnose and treat disease early, improving health outcomes.Mental health, or mental wellness, is essential to your overall health and quality of life. It affects how we think, feel, act, make choices, and relate to others. Managing social isolation, loneliness, stress, depression, and mood through medical and self-care is key to healthy aging. As people age, changes such as hearing and vision loss, memory loss, disability, trouble getting around, and the loss of family and friends can make it difficult to maintain social connections.Learning a new game, instrument, craft, or other skill can be fun and may have the added benefit of staving off memory loss as you age. Learn more about cognitive health. ... Read and share this infographic and spread the word about ways that may help foster healthy aging. Taking care of your physical, mental, and cognitive health is important for healthy aging. Even making small changes in your daily life can help you live longer and better. In general, you can support your physical health by staying active, eating and sleeping well, and going to the doctor regularly.


Embracing Longevity and Wellness: The Benefits of Senior Living Communities for Residents and Their Families - Senior Star

Recent research reveals that senior living communities offer numerous advantages for older adults, promoting wellness and healthy aging. As we age, the choices we make about where to live can significantly impact our health and well-being. Recent research from NORC at the University of Chicago, funded by a grant from the National Investment Center for Seniors Housing & Care (NIC), reveals that senior living communities offer numerous advantages for older adults, promoting wellness and healthy aging.The research conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago provides compelling evidence that senior living communities promote wellness, longevity, and improved health outcomes for older adults.One of the most compelling findings from the study is that older adults who move into senior living communities experience a decrease in vulnerability to adverse health outcomes. While vulnerability typically increases as we age, the study shows that this trend levels off and even declines shortly after moving into senior housing.The study found that these residents benefit from more frequent visits from healthcare providers, ensuring that their medical needs are promptly and effectively addressed. The study revealed that older adults living in senior housing communities live, on average, more than one week longer than those who remain in the general community. Additionally, they have a lower mortality rate, highlighting the positive impact of senior living on longevity.


Wellness And Longevity: Active Living Tips For Seniors

Discover essential tips for seniors on active living, wellness, and longevity. Embrace functional medicine and personalized strategies for healthy aging! Fiber-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, essential for optimal health and longevity. While staying active is essential, seniors must also consider safety. Wearing appropriate footwear, using assistive devices when necessary, and participating in age-appropriate activities can help prevent injuries.Regular exercise offers both physical and psychological health benefits for seniors. A balanced diet and proper hydration are crucial for supporting an active lifestyle. Safety considerations and community resources play essential roles in promoting active living. The art of active living is essential for seniors who wish to enjoy wellness and longevity.Seniors residing in retirement communities Lumberton NC, often have access to programs that support active living, making it easier to enjoy these benefits. Regular physical activity can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, and reduce the risk of stroke. It also helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthens bones, and increases muscle mass, contributing to longevity and wellness by preventing falls and fractures.Here are some nutritional tips for active seniors: Eat Balanced Meals: Ensure each meal includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Balanced meals provide essential nutrients and sustained energy. Stay Hydrated: Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water daily to support your overall wellness and longevity.


7 Wellness Retreats to Boost Longevity, Slow Down Aging: Your Next Vacation - Bloomberg

Wellness retreats are adding biohacking technology to the usual relaxation fare. Wellness retreats are adding biohacking technology to the usual relaxation fare. ... At first glance, the crowd at Six Senses Ibiza looks typical of the revelers known to frequent Spain’s legendary party island. Women in sparkly bikinis and macramé cover-ups dance with tanned, toned men as DJs spin poolside. But they’ve come for a different kind of cocktail. Inside RoseBar, the resort’s on-site longevity club, doctors, nurses and nutritionists carefully administer everything from gut-scouring apple cider vinegar and cayenne shots to pills of magnesium to promote sleep.

10 Steps to Healthy, Happy Aging

Small lifestyle changes can have a big impact on how well you feel as you age. Adopting even a few of the habits listed here will start you on the right track to healthy aging. Sign up for our Healthy Living Newsletter! By subscribing you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. ... longevityBiological Age Tests: How They Work and if They’re LegitimateMedically ReviewedbyJustin Laube, MD|July 24, 2024The National Institute on Aging notes that help is available in the form of physical aids or medication, as well as in communication with your partner and exploring new avenues to physical and emotional intimacy. Your doctor may be able to refer you to a sex therapist, who can help you define what a satisfying sex life would look like for you and how to get there. It’s easy to blame a low mood or fatigue on aging, but aging may not be the direct cause of these woes. Feeling constantly exhausted or depressed is not normal at any age.The more drugs you take, the harder it can be to remember when and how to take them all, and the higher your risk for negative drug reactions, as well as drug-drug interactions. While you should almost never stop taking a drug without consulting your doctor first, it can pay to be proactive about reviewing the necessity of all the drugs you’ve been prescribed. And keep in mind that your pharmacist is another resource for information on drugs, drug side effects, and drug interactions. The joint 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines from the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services advise that alcohol drinking be limited to one drink per day for women and two drinks per day for men.He completed his three-year residency training in internal medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles on the primary care track and a two-year fellowship in integrative East-West primary care at the UCLA Health Center for East-West Medicine. He is currently taking a multiyear personal and professional sabbatical to explore the relationship between childhood trauma, disease, and the processes of healing. He is developing a clinical practice for patients with complex trauma, as well as for others going through significant life transitions.


Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity: Demographic Change, Non-communicable Diseases, and Human Capital

The report “Unlocking the Power ... overall well-being. The report underscores the need for country-driven initiatives to invest in healthy longevity responding to demographic shifts, pandemic threats, and climate change. The world’s population has been aging at a dramatic speed and many countries are ill-prepared to address the magnitude and pace of demographic shifts. By 2050 at least one third of the world population will be over 60 years of age and countries ... The report “Unlocking the Power of Healthy Longevity: Demographic Change, Non-communicable Diseases and Human Capital” presents the findings and recommendations for life course investments to improve health, reduce poverty, address gender inequity, enhance productivity, and increase overall well-being. The report underscores the need for country-driven initiatives to invest in healthy longevity responding to demographic shifts, pandemic threats, and climate change. The world’s population has been aging at a dramatic speed and many countries are ill-prepared to address the magnitude and pace of demographic shifts. By 2050 at least one third of the world population will be over 60 years of age and countries need to adjust to the opportunities and challenges this rapid demographic transition presents.The impact of aging populations will ripple through labor markets, immigration, and social policies. To navigate this evolving landscape, investing in the health and wellbeing of the working-age population is imperative. Promoting healthy, productive, and inclusive longevity requires action throughout a person’s life.Governments need to take a life-course approach which has implications well beyond health to include child nutrition, girls’ education, and taxes on tobacco, alcohol, and sugary drinks. · Healthy longevity means reducing avoidable deaths and serious disability throughout the life of a person, including better physical, mental, and social functioning through middle and older ages.Countries can leverage a rapidly aging population for health, societal, human capital, and economic gains. Investing in health and wellbeing throughout people’s lives starting with maternal and child health to ongoing control of non-communicable or chronic diseases (NCDs), could save 150 million lives and extend 500 million more by 2050, generating economic benefits.

Senior Health Information: Longevity, Exercises, and More

As health needs change with age, one thing remains the same: healthy living is the best way to avoid disease, prolong life, and live happier. Many foods full of vitamins also provide plenty of healthy fiber and minerals. Pack your meals with vitamin-rich foods, but keep taking the multivitamin for backup. Physical activity is vital for developing the strong bones and muscles you need to help avoid falls or accidental injuries. Exercise is the best way to avoid obesity and many diseases in people of any age.As health needs change with age, one thing remains the same. Healthy living is the best way to avoid disease, prolong life, and live happier.Staying healthy as a senior.The risk for falls increases as we age. Morbidity and mortality rates connected to falls are also much higher in the older population. Older adults are more prone to injuries from falls or accidents, so it’s important to anticipate potential hazards in your home.


Healthy Aging: Wellness at Every Age

The ultimate guide to healthy aging in your 50s, 60s, and beyond, featuring content on mental health, nutrition, fitness, supplements, relationships, sleep, and more. The Definitive Guide to Healthy Eating in Your 50s and 60s · As you age, your body's nutritional needs change — and your diet should change as well.Finding friends can be challenging at any age but don’t let that deter you from expanding your social circle. Interpersonal relationships contribute to health, happiness and your overall well-being.Can't get enough? Connect with us for all things health. ... If you’re in midlife to later life, there are strong, evidence-based reasons to consider therapy. Read more to see how you can benefit from therapy. 10 Tips for Making Friends at Any Age, According to ExpertsA Healthy Aging Guide to Strength Training and Stretching at Home · Weight lifting and stretching are beneficial at any age, but there are specific benefits for older adults.


Health Tips for Older Adults - NIDDK

Eating better and moving more can help you stay healthy as you age. Learn what you can do to stay healthy and fit. Healthy eating and regular physical activity are keys to good health at any age. Your body changes as you age. For example, if you are less active, your muscles may not work as well, and that can affect your strength. You may also use fewer calories, especially if you don’t get any physical activity.As you grow older, you go through many changes, and you may need to adjust your lifestyle for healthy aging. Healthy eating and regular physical activity can be keys to good health at any age. Making suitable lifestyle choices may also prevent some health problems, such as diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.Health tips include · Select high-fiber foods like whole-grain breads and cereals, beans, unsalted nuts and seeds, deeply colored vegetables (like green beans), and fruits. Avoid fried foods. Choose broiled, grilled, or boiled options instead. Drink vitamin D-fortified low-fat or fat-free milk; milk products; or nondairy soy, almond, rice, or other drinks with added vitamin D and calcium to help keep your bones strong as you age.Added sugars, solid fats, and salt—such as those in packaged foods—pack a lot of calories but don’t provide a healthy amount of nutrients. Limit foods and drinks such as ... How much food and drinks you should consume each day depends on your weight, sex, age, metabolism, and how active you are.

Healthy Aging: MedlinePlus

As you get older, risk of chronic diseases increases. A healthy lifestyle and chronic condition management can help you live more independently later in life. Health Screening: MedlinePlus Health Topic (National Library of Medicine) Also in Spanish ... Memory Loss: 7 Tips to Improve Your Memory (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish · Participating in Activities You Enjoy as You Age (National Institute on Aging) Well-Aged Mind: Maintaining Your Cognitive Health (National Institutes of Health) Also in SpanishFollowing these tips can help you to stay healthy as you age. Even if you have never done them before, it's never too late to start taking care of your health. If you have questions about these lifestyle changes or need help figuring out how to make them, ask your health care provider. Health Tips for Older Adults (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases) Also in Spanish · Nutrition for Seniors: MedlinePlus Health Topic (National Library of Medicine) Also in SpanishRegular physical activity. Being physically active may help you maintain a healthy weight and avoid chronic health problems. If you have not been active, you can start slowly and work up to your goal. How much exercise you need depends on your age and health.People in the U.S. are living longer, and the number of older adults in the population is growing. As we age, our minds and bodies change. Having a healthy lifestyle can help you deal with those changes.
